
Output Position

) " *

Font Style 4


Font Size 100%

Log Format:

Number/Time 4


Browser/OS 4


Caller/Line 3


Level/Label 2


A/O Objects 5


A/O Arrays 5


How to use Console API

Connect, then use Console API from JavaScript to output here:


Sends [LOG]level message to the remote console. Usage example.

var str = 'Test', num = 43;
console.re.log('This is a string %s and number %d', str, num);


Sends [INFO]level message to the remote console. Usage example.

var obj = {key1:1,key2:2,key3:3}, arr = [1,2,3];
console.re.log('This is an object %s and array %s', obj, arr);


Sends [WARN]level message to the remote console. Same usage and accept the same arguments as [LOG]or [INFO]level.


Sends [DEBUG]level message to the remote console. Same usage and accept the same arguments as [LOG]or [INFO]level.


Sends [ERROR]level message to the remote console. Same usage and accept the same arguments as [LOG]or [INFO]level.


Displays stack trace of JavaScript execution at the point where it was called.


Displays the number of times count call with given 'label' was executed.


Creates a new timer under the given 'label'. To stop timer and display time result, call console.re.timeEnd('label');


Stops timer and displays time result started before with given 'label'.


Displays size of DOM element(s), width and height for given selector(s) or displays current Window size if called with no arguments. Browser only API. Usage example.

// get Window size
// get size of all P elements
console.re.size('all P %s', document.getElementsByTagName('p'));
// get size of DIV elements with class 'test' using jQuery

     console.re.css(selector,['property','property2', ...'propertyN']);

Displays value of specified CSS properties in array for given selector(s). Browser only API. Usage example.

// get CSS property 'background-color' of BODY
console.re.css(document.body, 'background-color');
// get CSS properties 'border' and 'color' for all P elements
console.re.css(document.getElementsByTagName('p'), ['border','color']);
// get CSS property 'margin' and 'padding' using jQuery
console.re.css($('div.test'), ['margin','padding']);


Displays value of CSS Media Queries for current Window size. An optional 'watch' argument sets listener to display Media Queries on browser's resize events. Browser only API. Usage example.

// get applied Media Query rulers for current Window size
// get Media Query and send updates on Window resize
// get all types of Media Query applied (print and screen)


Displays result of test for given expression or valid selector, object, string, array, number. Usage example.

        console.re.test("1!==1","'this string'","[1,2,3,4,5,6]","document.body");


Tests if a given expression is TRUE. Only if FALSE, it will display an error message. Usage example.

        console.re.assert(1!==1, 'It is not true');


Clears remote console logs.

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About Console.Re

Remote JavaScript Development Console Public Server

Console.Re version: 2.1.17

How to connect with

  • 1) insert this HTML code in your <HEAD> before any other scripts:
    <script src="///connector.js" data-channel="" id="consolerescript"></script>
  • 2) add in your JavaScript: console.re.log('remote log test');
  • 3) reload your webpage or webapp, and you should see [LOG] output.
  • 1) insert this code before your own JavaScript code:
    var consolere = {
    ready: function(c) {var d=document,s=d.createElement('script'),l;s.src=this.api;s.id='consolerescript';s.onreadystatechange=s.onload=function(){if(!l){c();}l=true;};d.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);}};
  • 2) after, in your code use consolere.ready();to wrap console.re API:
                console.re.log('remote log test');
  • 3) reload your webpage or webapp, and you should see [LOG] output.
  • 1) Install console-remote client using 'npm' as follows:
    $ npm install console-remote-client
  • 2) In your node.js app, use 'require' to include module and connect:
                var consolere = require('console-remote-client').connect('','','');
  • 3) after, add in your code: console.re.log('remote log test'); then, restart your app, and you should see [LOG] output.
How to Connect?